How You Can Lend Nonprofits A Helping Hand During COVID-19

As the country navigates new social norms amid the COVID-19 pandemic, nonprofits communities are coming to grips with unique challenges while figuring out how to support their respective communities.
Many have turned to virtual gatherings (upholding social distancing), online support groups and telephone communications to stay connected. Financially, some have turned to longstanding donors or crowdfunding campaigns to stay afloat.
But, what happens when this isn’t enough?
Despite rising demand for their services, many nonprofits are facing the worst challenge — a decrease in donors. Businesses who want to help are facing their own challenges and nonprofits are a regrettable casualty in uncertain times.
We all have an organization or cause that inspires us. If you’re able, now is the time they really need us to help them help others. Here are a few ideas that you can quickly do to bring help.
Monetary Donation
If you are financially able, consider making a donation. Whatever your donation level, these funds will help the organization keep doing their community work. And it doesn’t have to be a big number: crowdfunding has shown the power of thousands of small donations. In light of social distancing, nonprofits have had to cancel fundraising events. If you had bought tickets or a table, consider giving that money to the charity regardless of whether the event takes place.
Item Donation
For a nonprofit, resources are key. Find out what the nonprofit needs and, if you are able, donate those items. This is also a good way to inspire your friends to join in. Challenge them to a donation drive.
Due to health and safety risks, a lot of in-person volunteer work is unlikely. Reach out to the nonprofit and ask how you can best support them with your time. Nonprofits rely on the help of their volunteers, not just for on-the-ground-work, but also administrative tasks. Some nonprofits are also making adjustments to help keep volunteers safe. This can be an outside task that’s done alone versus a group setting, such as grocery shopping for the elderly. Organizations also need help figuring out how to implement and manage some of the technological solutions they’ve introduced. You can help no matter your skill level.
Your voice and your network are larger than you think. People are not sure what they can do as individuals to help. Share information with your network on social media, and in conversations about what you are doing to make a difference. Many people who shunned or left social media are back. Harness the power of your personal network to be a champion and voice for the charity; it might inspire others to join you.