Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23, 2021

During this time of year, we reflect on all that we are grateful for: from our fantastic clients, to our wicked-smart team who makes all the magic happen, and most of all, those “No edits!” emails at 4:30 p.m. on a Friday. But in all seriousness, this Thanksgiving, we are reminded that it’s a combination of the big and small moments that makes us grateful to wake up each day to do what we love. 

By day, The Abbi Agency is made up of full-time, kick-a$$ marketers, creatives and PR pros, but outside of those office (or Zoom) walls, #TeamAbbi is grateful to spend their free time as outdoor adventurers, travel enthusiasts, wine connoisseurs, Netflix critics, pop-culture fiends and of course, professional pet snugglers (you should see our #pets channel on Slack.)

Here’s what our team members had to say when asked what they are grateful for this year, both on and off the Turkey Day table.

Abbi Whitaker: I am thankful for my cats and cat videos. I don’t know what I would do without them. And of course, my kids and my hubby. And dry shampoo! 

Favorite side dish: Bistro Gravy

Calls home: Reno

Nicole Tucker: I am thankful for my village, including my five sisters and best friends.

Favorite side dish: Bread dressing with gravy

Calls home: Reno

Ty Whitaker: I am so thankful for my family and all the joy they bring me (most of the time). The last year has been packed with lessons and challenges, but I am very thankful to have learned and grown from each one!

Favorite side dish: Sweet Potatoes 

Calls home: Reno

Chani Knight: I am thankful for the expansive outdoors and my dog, cat, and husband to explore it with. Also, basically anything from Trader Joe’s. 

Favorite side dish: Homemade cranberry sauce

Calls home: Reno

Dani Hannah: I’m thankful for my loving and supportive family, Sunday mornings, my hilarious friends (though I’m biased), cute pups, my sweet husband, and any Target that has a Starbucks in it. 

Favorite side dish: Wine, duh.

Calls home: Fresno, CA.

Alexis Keith: I am thankful for my husband, kitty, craft beer, good health and the ability to share another holiday with my family. And Zoom backgrounds to hide the laundry piles behind me!

Favorite side dish: Mashed potatoes + gravy

Calls home: Las Vegas

Alli Williams: I am thankful for my dog, Ham; for the new season of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, and my family and friends who make life more interesting.

Favorite side dish: Pie

Calls home: Reno

Emily Ribaudo: Thankful for belly laughs, chocolate, and my bestie!

Favorite side dish: Love

Calls home: Reno

Ashley Behre: I am thankful for the home and family that I have, the city that I live in and for amazon prime, baby!

Favorite side dish: Roasted potatoes 

Calls home: Las Vegas

Kate Lufkin: I’m thankful for Spotify’s Discover Weekly, puffy jackets, anything with cheese on it, and to live in a place where I can explore the outdoors every day.

Favorite side dish: Stuffing

Calls home: Whitefish, MT

Kaycee Rechel: I’m thankful for good health and for my family and friends who provide me with constant love and support.

Favorite side dish: Mashed potatoes + gravy

Calls home: Reno

Warren Phan: I am thankful for my large Chinese family, and the friends that I have made at The Abbi Agency. 

Favorite side dish: Sweet potato puree

Calls home: Reno

Caroline Sexton: I am thankful for my super hot husband and our sweet baby boy, Cedric, also for double-walled thermos cups (I need that forever warm coffee that takes me 5 hours to consume). 🖤

Favorite side dish: All the sides!

Calls home: Reno

Bridgette Menist: I am thankful for my friends, family, good health, morning coffee and anything with cheese on it!

Favorite side dish: Stuffing

Calls home: Las Vegas

Ben Engel: Always thankful for my family, my lady, and my health. I’m also always thankful for a fun time out with good friends.

Favorite side dish: Gravy, baby!

Calls home: Reno

David Bunker: My kids, who bring joy to my life every day, and my wife, who keeps me from falling apart. My mountain bike and my snowboard, which keep me sane.

Favorite side dish: Mashed potatoes

Calls home: Truckee, CA

Liz Bowling: I am thankful for FAMILY. My own family who fills my heart with so much love; my work family who inspires me every day, and my friend-family who keeps me grounded and laughing. And coffee. And wine.

Favorite side dish: It’s a tie: pie + wine 

Calls home: Truckee, CA

Zachary Alexander: I am thankful for the exciting opportunities I have found myself in this past year. Corrective eye surgery, getting engaged, and joining a new company with amazing and kind coworkers!

Favorite side dish: Scalloped potatoes

Calls home: Reno

Anna Paterson: I’m thankful for everyone who has put a smile on my face this past year, and I’m also thankful for frogs. I just think they’re neat.

Favorite side dish: Mashed potatoes

Calls home: Reno

Darius Mandegary: I’m thankful for my awesome support group in my life. Family, friends, and coworkers all bring so much joy to my life. Additionally, good food, dogs, music, and beer! 

Favorite side dish: Green bean casserole

Calls home: Reno

Cassandra Taloma: I’m thankful for my family, friends, health, my new Abbi family, and Ted Lasso! 

Favorite side dish: Mac & cheese

Calls home: Las Vegas

Angela Rudolph: I’m thankful for friends, family, health, love, and the fact that Britney is finally free!

Favorite side dish: It’s the pecan pie for me.

Calls home: Reno

Trevor Birba: I’m thankful for my ever supportive wife and two wild sons. 

Favorite side dish: Annah’s Key Lime Pie

Calls home: Reno

Lauren Meckstroth: I’m thankful for my family, friends and my awesome co-workers at the Abbi Agency who make work fun every day! 

Favorite side dish: Homemade stuffing

Calls home: Nebraska 

Nathaniel Perez: I’m very thankful for my support system who continue to inspire me every day, all the great experiences I was able to have in the past year, and forever thankful for clean drinking water!

Favorite side dish: Mac & cheese 

Calls home: Las Vegas

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